Thursday, April 19, 2012

Just thought I would write a quick note today. Not too much to say. Still working hard, but not too much change lately. It is a little frustrating, but I know that if I keep it up, I will see the pounds start to fall again. I wanted to just say to everyone who is on their own journey, keep it up, you can do it!

Until next time..........

Friday, April 13, 2012

Today was a great day! I spent the morning with 275 union stewards and leaders. My friends and I had a class during the meeting where we talked about becoming healthier. It was a little hard, but an amazing thing to be able to share a little about my journey in front of 80 plus of those people. We talked about nutrition, exercise, and stress. We had a lot of fun. We danced! I am glad I got the opportunity to share with others, and hopefully inspired some of them to start on the journey to improve their own health. We have a huge problem in this country with obesity. It is frightening to know how young children are being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and that this generation of children is the first to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents if we don't do something. That thought just breaks my heart. On top of that, the healthcare cost due to this epidemic is out of control. I am committed to doing what I can to solve this problem. Are you? In mid-May a four part HBO special will air on this very subject. I hope you will tune in. It will be a powerful four hours. More information to come on this, but you can find out more about the special by googling Weight of the Nation.

Well, I am tired after a long day, so I will sign off for now. Until next time............

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I am so super excited! I have now passed the 30 pounds lost mark!!! I looked up yesterday how much I weighed when I last went to the doctor's. I am actually 45 pounds lighter than I was in 2010! I just cannot believe it. I won't say that it has been easy, as you all know, but I am happy to say that honestly I thought it would be much tougher. No, I thought it was impossible. It is possible and I am seeing the results. I am loving it! I can't wait to see how this journey continues. I know that I can do this. I have the drive, and an amazing group of people supporting me. I thank you all!

Until next time........