Saturday, February 25, 2012

Things are going better since my last post. Thank you to everyone who is supporting me! I would list you all, but I'd be afraid I would accidentally miss someone. You are all being such a big help to me! So, I say the personal trainer on Wednesday. That has made a huge difference. She game me a plan to follow for the next couple of months. I have used her plan twice now, and am now down 0.6 pounds since Wednesday. I am so excited to see the scale moving again! Yesterday, my friend Maureen said to me, "Heather, it is time to go buy a new pair of jeans. Those are now too big." Talk about making me feel awesome! I explained to her that I am going to wait a couple more weeks. We will be going to Hollywood in a little over 3 weeks. My goal is to lose at least 8 more pounds before we go. I plan on doing a little shopping right before we go. It sure is painful to know that soon I will be having to start getting rid of a lot of my clothes. Andrew is "complaining" about all the money that I will be getting rid of when I do that. I guess it is one of the prices that have to be paid. As my friends told me yesterday, (straight from Dr Phill) the only reason to keep those clothes are if I am planning to get fat and need them again. How true! I have no plans of needing them again!

I guess my purpose for today's post is just to tell everyone that is on the same journey as I am, that when you hit those plateaus to stick with it. Keep doing the right things, switch things up and the weight will start to drop off again. Don't be discouraged. Thanks again to everyone who told me those same words when I was feeling down. Until next time......

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